4/5 Stars
Carey Mulligan - I'm falling in love
Peter Sarsgaard - Real
I actually enjoyed this film. I was hesitant at first. Yes, it was rather slow in areas, but made for a great pace given the subject matter. It does start to make you think what the point of an education is? Should it be top? Why are you getting one? What will it amount to in the end? Then sums up the answer to all of these questions quite nicely. I loved the accents, period, and scenery. It was all very captivating. This girl learns many lessons very early on in life. You feel as though you are walking through it all for the first time with her. You begin to question things you were once sure of. You begin to look through a different lens.
I believe the writer made an excellent choice in the setting and time for this piece. London in the 60's was quite enjoyable to watch. The writing was real and well delivered. It was almost too smart for the common girl, but was not distracting. The attire and vibe set this film apart. I was always looking for and at something. That helped keep my attention during the slower parts. I also like the fact that it was unpredictable. No, it didn't totally sweep me off my feet, but rather didn't hand everything to me as I expected.
Acting: Most of them were excellent
Writing: Smart and provoking
Cinematography: Beautiful
Story Line: Applicable and entertaining
See it.