It was about this time that I started leaning forward and lose balance, having been sitting on the edge of my seat. With my left hand clung to my left foot, I proceed to stop my body from falling by bracing my self with my right hand to my right knee (you can try to reenact this at home). Keep in mind that this vicious tack is still in my right hand. You guessed it, I stab myself in the right knee. At this point I am beginning to believe that the tack planned this maneuver from the beginning. I threw it away as an example to all the others scheming up ideas. I don't know what he said to my left hand to provoke it to knock him off the desk, but I now keep them separated. These guys got too much time on their hands.
Btw, from what I believe, you do not have to subscribe to leave a comment. So there you have it. Enough said...
HA HA You are too funny!!! I love the new blog...
you are encouraging my personification of inanimate objects. This has become a problem in my life... I'm calling it being sentimental but really I think it is some kinda of psychiatric disorder. One girl I know who suffers from the same disorder told me that when she washes grapes and throws a bad one down the disposal she has to throw a good one to just so the bad one wont be lonely...
i am sorry katie. i guess you are right. i just hope the girl you speak of is not you in disguise...its all fun and games until someone takes me seriously.
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