Monday, March 29, 2010

An Education

Knowing a famous author is better than becoming one.

4/5 Stars

Carey Mulligan - I'm falling in love
Peter Sarsgaard - Real

I actually enjoyed this film. I was hesitant at first. Yes, it was rather slow in areas, but made for a great pace given the subject matter. It does start to make you think what the point of an education is? Should it be top? Why are you getting one? What will it amount to in the end? Then sums up the answer to all of these questions quite nicely. I loved the accents, period, and scenery. It was all very captivating. This girl learns many lessons very early on in life. You feel as though you are walking through it all for the first time with her. You begin to question things you were once sure of. You begin to look through a different lens.

I believe the writer made an excellent choice in the setting and time for this piece. London in the 60's was quite enjoyable to watch. The writing was real and well delivered. It was almost too smart for the common girl, but was not distracting. The attire and vibe set this film apart. I was always looking for and at something. That helped keep my attention during the slower parts. I also like the fact that it was unpredictable. No, it didn't totally sweep me off my feet, but rather didn't hand everything to me as I expected.

Acting: Most of them were excellent
Writing: Smart and provoking
Cinematography: Beautiful
Story Line: Applicable and entertaining

See it.

Sorority Row

This is why I don't try to publicize my blog...

2/5 Stars

I am not a huge horror at all, but I actually thought this was a seemingly decent film at first. The story was somewhat believable, not SO predictable, and had you on your toes. Then, like most horror films, something went terribly wrong. It got way too out of hand and unrealistic. The overall story is not captivating enough and the murders are way to graphic and hokey. I actually fell in and out of sleep from the second half on. Therefore, I do not have a very good movie critic. My apologies.

I would say that those of you that like to laugh at stupid horror films (as I do occasionally) might actually enjoy this one. I simple cannot recommend it. It falls into the typical hole of every other film you take two looks at the cover of and know there is nothing good behind.

Acting: Decent at times
Writing: Did they really say that?
Cinematography: Dull
Story Line: It didn't matter

Don't see it.

Monday, March 15, 2010


"I'm not a business man, I'm a business man"

3/5 Stars

Josh Hartnett - Perfect fit, excellent job

I actually liked this film. It was well written and passionate. The acting was exceptional. The dialogue was real and not overdone. And even though it was flooded with a lot of business jargon, I was able to fight through it.

Au contrar, the film was a little slow and pretty predictable. The F bomb was dropped wayyy more that I would have liked it to be, although seemingly fitting for this obnoxious character Hartnett undertook. This film reveals how miserable and over-demanding the lifestyle of an extreme business man, who is only money hungry, can be. Though in the case with this film, the entrepreneur came to his senses about what really matters in life and redeemed himself.

Acting: Real
Writing: Well meditated
Cinematography: Fitting and moving
Story Line: Typical

Maybe just watch it on TV to obliterate the cursing and nudity.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Well, I wish Danny Glover was the Pres.

1 Stars

John Cusack - I like him
Amanda Peet - Not believable, but hot
Woody Harrelson - The man

So this is not my type of movie at all... I am trying here. All of the actions sequences were just sooooo unrealistic. Yes, I know that this is what this movie was riding on, but you could have done a better job of making the grand escapes truer to life. Probably the most unrealistic sequences I have ever seen in a film. People finding others amongst a billion, escaping the sinking of the earth in a stretch, flying a few massive planes in high intensity situations with a basic knowledge of flight, dodging lava balls in a van, jumping obstacles equivalent to Evil Knievel, and so on. On top of that, the story line and basic and predictable. We all knew what was going to happen... and it did. We were not even given time to be drawn into the characters. So, in the midst of this chaos, you can tell we are supposed to be captivated by loss and salvation, but I simply was not at all. Terrible acting as well.

I will give it credit for it's amazing special effects. The visual appeal was more interesting to watch than Avatar, for a dude. It was just cool to see how they were going to take everything down. That is the main reason I watched. All in all, if the world is coming to an end, we are all going down, but God promised a second coming. So, if we're all going to die, I think He'd take a trip down before that instead of looking down and being like, "Man, I missed my chance". He doesn't miss things. But, either way, we would see Him here or there, so no worries.

Acting: Pretty Terrible
Writing: Even worse and cliche
Cinematography: Captivating
Story Line: Predictable

If you are in to apocalyptic films with special effects, see it. Otherwise, skip it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Uniquely Entertaining

4/5 Stars

Robert Downey Jr. - Phenomenal

I have to be careful with this one. As much as I liked, I probably equally as much should not have. It is not a very 'nice' film. I thoroughly enjoyed the original writing and acting this film birthed. It was so different, witty, and intentional. It broke the laws of most film institutes and pulled you into this unlikely story. This film also kept you in anticipation of how this whole mess was to be solved. Twists came from every direction that continued to point you to the end result. I loved its ability to humanize certain celebrities and professions.

I did not give it 5 stars because of some unnecessary crudeness and behavior. I also was taken out of the film during some of the ever so unrealistic action sequences. I wish they would have kept it more real and plausible than it turned out.

Acting: Superb
Writing: Most Excellent
Cinematography: Too entranced in the story to notice
Story Line: Unrealistic, yet wildly entertaining

Mature audience only... See it.

FInal Destination 4

The Finally Destination

1/5 Stars

I am just glad there are all finished now. I was getting pretty sick of pretty much watching the same film over and over, but I had to finish. This one was by far the worst of them all. Every aspect was terrible. You'd thought these actors have never recited a line before, the writer grabbed every cliche line known to man, and the direction was exasperated it began not be funny again. All of the deaths were far fetched as usual, but more the most extreme I have ever seen. In the filmmakers defense, we did get a lot of laughs out of it. Then again that might not be a compliment.

The reason it has 1 star... well just read the tag line and look at any pic from the movie you'd like, you'll see why.

Acting: Worst yet
Writing: Even worse
Cinematography: Creative
Story Line: Most typical

Dont. Ever. See. It.

Star Trek

You know how I feel about these...

3/5 Stars (no pun)

The only two reasons I saw this film were because of J.J. Abrams and Robby Stone. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have given it a second glance. I just do not like sci-fi, mystical, fantasy films. None of them. I can respect some (Lord of the Rings...), but don't usually enjoy them.

Let's bring things back down to Earth. The film as good as it could be, being set in space. The visual effects were amazing. It actually developed a plot, overcame evil, love, heroism, comedy, blah blah. I accredit it all to JJ. I am a fan of his work (if you couldn't tell). It hit you with the unexpected and kept you on your feet before slowly lowering you back down. I occasionally forgot that we were in space, traveling back and forth through time. Props to Robby for the recommendation.

The reason it only got three stars is because its sci-fi and I can take a star away based solely on that considering its my blog and because of the unrealistic fight/action sequences. They posed as a distraction. Basically its just hard for me to give the epitome of sci-fi films a 4 (but i secretly want to).

Acting: Mostly believable
Writing: Amazing
Cinematography: Enticing
Story Line: Its in space...

See it. I might do it again.

Final Destination 3

Gotta Love 'Em

2/5 Stars

I simply became a fan of the first two and had to finish off watching the rest. I don't even know why I am such a fan, they are not even that good. The same thing happens in each film...

Anyway, for this particular film, I liked it, but can't critique it very well at all. The acting is sub par, the writing is terrible, the effects are hokey, the scenarios are unrealistic (as they always are) and the language and nudity doesn't help. I do however, like how they sit and ponder for hours on end of how to simply kill off each person. Some of them, though unrealistic, are creative and funny to watch. My roommates and I simply think of these films as comedies. The only reason I gave it a 2 instead of 1 is because of that factor right there. It does make you tense up a few times, but more laughs follow.

I will think twice, however, the next time I get on a roller coaster... Just as I have every time I've boarded a plane, seen a logger truck on the wet interstate, been to the dentist, the doctor, the garbage disposal, the train tracks, a car on a bridge, the weight room, a fair, fireworks, knives, hardware store, movie theater... but hey, its just a movie.

Acting: Terrible
Writing: Even worse
Cinematography: Trying
Story Line: Same as the rest

Don't see it, I just have a knack.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Box

Not by choice

1/5 Stars

Cameron Diaz - Used to like her
James Marsden - Awkward opposite

I had heard this was a terrible movie, so I intended on napping through it while my mom watched. I would have been successful too, had it not been for the random explosions of volume the film provided. It would have been a much better use of my time.

The acting was just terrible on all accounts. I would normally stick up for these leads, but they for some reason were not on their game. The dialogue was unconvincing and hokey. This film simply tried too hard to be uniquely creepy. The random characters and signs seemed all too misleading. I was confused and unconcerned. It takes you through a vicious loop of a meaningless plot. In the defense that you might assume I hated it cause I was in and out of sleep, my optimistic mother hated it as well. You live and learn.

Acting: Terrible
Writing: Unsuccessfully trying to be something it couldn't
Cinematography: Simple
Story Line: Are you kidding me

Skip it, really.

Everybody's Fine

Potential tear jerker.

3/5 Stars

Robert De Niro - Older than he looks here
Drew Barrymore - Convincing
Kate Beckinsale - Love of my life
Sam Rockwell - All I can think of is him in The Green Mile

This was a decent/humbling film. It tells stories of how life may not pan out exactly the way you intended it to be. You may not be as successful, perfect, or living up to the standards others have made for you. But through all of this, we can find happiness and love if we are honest. I like the journey this father takes to become closer to his unfolding family. There are a lot of loose ends that all start to come together. I really enjoyed the portrayal of their younger selves in opportune times (except they could have picked a more fitting "young Drew Barrymore" since we all know what she really did look like).

Although it had great intentions and entertained me, it proved a bit unrealistic and slow. Some of the dialogue took me out of the element, but that was probably just me. I do appreciate how it wrapped it self all together in the end and left you feeling hopeful amongst this depressing plot line. My mom cried a lot.

The reason I took two stars away was first because it wasn't the most enjoyable 2 hours I have ever spent, and secondly, it lacked originality. All in all, I believe it was a success for the filmmakers purpose and vision. It had me thinking about it and how it applies to my life long after I saw it.

Acting: Couldn't have done better.
Writing: Almost great.
Cinematography: Clever.
Story Line: Great intentions and themes.

See it.