Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Invention of Lying

Ok, you're annoying me. You're voice is shrill. Goodbye.

1/5 Stars

Just frustrated me throughout. I mean, its a cool concept for a film. I just wish they would have taken a totally different angle. As this man discovers that he is the only one in the world that can lie, he begins making up this "man in the sky" that is supposed to symbolize God. He begins to tell all these true and untrue stories about who God is, while all along lying that "the man in the sky" exists. So basically, this film is portraying God as a myth that we are buying into and throwing comedy and A list actors on top to add some sort of credibility. Sad.

Acting: Good
Writing: Yeah, right
Story-line: Neat concept, terrible delivery
Cinematography: Under-par

Skip it.

The Crazies

Don't ask me why I can't leave my wife and I won't ask you why you can.

5/5 Stars

Great thriller! Great beginning scene. Of course it had it's cheesy moments, but it kept me on the edge most of the time. I loved the creepy effect and how they could scare you by not necessarily even jumping out at you. This thriller will keep you on your toes. It seemed pretty logical as well. Except I still hate how people travel into the unknown with the lights off...

Acting: Believable
Writing: Dramatic
Cinematography: Well meditated
Story Line: Similar to most, but well done

See it. I've seen it twice now! Looking for my third.


Someone's ear is in danger of having hair brushed over it...

3/5 Stars

This film sure does start off with a bang. Pretty gory, yet funny at the same time. I take that back, the entire film is this way. It also has terrible language. I don't even like zombie movies that are only meant to be gory and scary. YET, this film is actually funny and comes about it from a different angle. It is very entertaining to watch the camera work and the usage of CGI. I surprisingly enjoyed it. Some of it is so sick its great.

Acting: Good enough
Writing: Clever
Story-line: Nothing extraordinary
Cinematography: Selling point

Prob should skip it, but I kinda enjoyed it... in a sick way.


I can see that you're upset, but I don't know what to do.

4/5 Stars

This is your not so typical comedic love story. Very enjoyable and entertaining from a fresh perspective. The film is slow in parts, but great nonetheless. Loved the well thought out dialogue and unique comedic timing. The characters are not seen in everyday films.

Astronomers especially would appreciate this film from more than one perspective.

Acting: Spotless
Writing: Rich
Story-line: Moving
Cinematography: Slightly above avg

See it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Natural

The only thing I know about the dark is you can't see in it.

3/5 Stars

Robert Redford - Just the man

This is your classic story about a baseball hero that just never gave up. I enjoyed the look and feel of the film. It is great for it's day in age! The only thing was that it was a little slow and of course predictable. If you are a baseball fan, you can truly appreciate the film. My heart simply wasn't in it as much as it could have been.

Robert Redford did a heck of a job, of course. I loved the dialogue and they inventive cinematography. This film goes to show that if you are truly gifted at something and want it bad enough, you should never stop at attaining it. Its heart warming, yet dated.

Acting: Classic
Writing: Simple, yet intriguing
Cinematography: Inventive for its time
Story Line: Predictable

See it if you love baseball or Redford.