Saturday, January 23, 2010

Film Critiquing

Here we go again. I decided to keep track of every movie that I watched in 2010. I figured I watch too many films, but wanted to prove it to myself. Epiphany: why not try and make the most of what some might say is wasted time. I'll share my loves and hates about each film with whomever cares to read. Therefore, I can look back on the year and recall my film journey. Highs and lows, ups and downs.

So here I am... writing out what I think of each movie that I watch during the year of 2010. Some will be very outdated, some I will have been forced to see, some epic, and some we've seen a thousand times. Agree or disagree, this is what I thought. Enjoy.

All I have to say is it's a good thing I watched Avatar in 2009, or we'd probably be starting off on the wrong foot.

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